Greetings from The Gathering!
Announcement Reminders

May 19, 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Youth students and parents, join us for a pizza party in honor of Josh and Myrandah Couzins! Come with a warm memory or funny moment to share with them. This is the last youth meeting for the school year. The congregation is invited, but please let Faith Leeper know if you're going, for food planning.

Notecards will be available in the church lobby today and May 5th for all to write a few notes of encouragement to the moms of the Maineville YMCA daycare. Please take a moment to stop by the table to write a note to encourage and love on these mothers for Mother's Day!

VBS - Save the date!
We get to minister to the Y Daycare kids with the love of God! So save this date on your calendar:   July 8-11, 8:00am - 12:00pm. More info to come.

Book Club vision
Book club is an opportunity to grow together in Christ over a good book. Pick a book, pursue a friend to read it with, and pick a time to meet! We officially begin in June. Check out the recommended books here. 

Looking for information?
The bulletin provides general church information about service times, community groups, and events of the month. Our website ( has even more information about our church, as well as all events, sermons, giving link, and the weekly church announcements. The Church Center app for your phone is the central spot for connecting with community groups, registrations, calendar and giving. Check it out!